Meter goes up to overheat zone once reached home Us human... Illness and age-related disease will come to hunt us as we grow older everyday and so do the same with cars. My Proton Persona has been with me for 17 years and the engine is still running strong until today which I appreciate it very much. But it was the problem with coolant system this time when the temperature went up while I was driving home from work and I was lucky enough as the engine started to overheat when I reached home. I immediately turn off the engine and go to check the engine bay to see what went wrong where I start to notice smoke is coming up from the gearbox area. The coolant liquid was leaking from the pipe and subsequently contaminated underneath engine mounting. Because of my hobby which likes to troubleshoot and experience things myself, I decided to repair it on the coming weekend during off day. First, I have to remove the air intake system because it is blocking the point of leakage. Then, I spotted ...
In Amigo (Adventure Towards Curiosity)