Photos along Malacca River map in day time - 22 photos Here is the final part of this photoshoot chapter at Malacca town and all photos are captured in day time. The weather is cloudy and photos will appear to be warm without blue sky. As usual, this part will also consist of all photos at the pin pointed location with view direction on the map displayed below. But this part will separated in 2 sub part due to some points is overlapping covered in a small area. (Image courtesy of Google Maps with add in pin point view) P51 P52 P53 P54 P55 P56 P57 P58 P59 P60 P61 P62 P63 P64 (Image courtesy of Google Maps with add in pin point view) P65 P66 P67 P68 P69 P70 P71 P72 This is it. The beautiful and wonderful small town of Malacca. Hope you enjoy the photos and if you have anything ...